About RICC
The Rock Island Conservation Club was founded on April 21, 1939 by seven men who saw a need for an organization to preserve local natural resources. In its beginnings the club was operated as a pheasant farm. Pheasants were hatched, raised, and then released into the wild. The donated land was originally a sand quarry owned by Moline Consumers Co.
The club currently continues to promote and support to protect our natural resources, and volunteers for conservation-oriented organizations. The RICC is also one of the five organizations that comprise the Quad City Conservation Alliance (QCCA), which owns and operates the QCCA Expo Center.

Club Officers & Board of Directors

Troy Eacker

Rob Myers
1st Vice President

Logan Frost
2nd Vice President

Jamie Foster

Melia Hemphill
Board of Directors
- Rich Ehen (2023)
- Mike Mathews (2023)
- Jon Hurt (2023)
- Morgan Lackey (2023)
- Brandy Fuller (2023)
- Barb Aney (2021)
- Jan Shradar (2021)
- Cindy Miller (2022)
- Amy Anderson (2022)
- Jamie Frost (2022)
- Tom Swanson (2022)
- Rick Driessens (2022)
QCCA Representatives
- Rick Driessens (2021)
- Cindy Miller (2020)
- Faith Ballard (2020)
Chair Persons

Melia Hemphill
Club Rentals

Troy Eacker

Logan Frost
Grounds Maintenance

JD Nesset

Tony Munson
Club Meetings
Club meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubhouse. The board meeting is at 6:30 p.m. followed by a RICC Membership Meeting at 6:45 p.m.
Nominations for the Board of Directors are received by the club during the October General Membership Meeting, with voting at the November General Membership Meeting.
Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise notified.
If a director cannot attend a meeting, the president must be notified. Any director with three (3) unexcused absences in a fiscal year will be removed from the board and replaced by an alternate. Alternates are required to attend all meetings and any special meetings and stand in for any absent director.
4/20 General Membership Minutes 3/16 General Membership Minutes
2/20 Board Meeting Minutes, etc. 1/20 Board Meeting Minutes 1/20 General Meeting Minutes
3/19 Meeting Minutes 4/19 Meeting Minutes 5/19 Meeting Minutes 6/19 Meeting Minutes 7/19 Meeting Minutes 8/19 Meeting Minutes 9/19 Meeting Minutes 10/19 Meeting Minutes 11/19 Meeting Minutes
Club Rules
Click Here to view boat placement guidelines
(All violations are subject to review of the Board of Directors)
Click to view Club Rules
Rock Island Conservation Club
P. O. Box 3733, Rock Island, Illinois 61204-3733
Revised 2021
• Any of the following rules may be amended at any time by the Board of Directors (BOD) without prior notification to the membership. Updates will be posted to the RICC Website, included in the newsletter, and posted in the Registration hut and information boards until new rules are printed.
• Rules will be enforced by: RICC Caretaker, RICC Security Volunteers (Identified by yellow RICC T-shirts/Vests), by any current RICC member who witnesses a violation, DNR, and Any Law Enforcement Agency.
• Any club member who violates “Any” of the following rules will be disciplined as follows: 1st Offense: Club member will be warned of the offense, rule cited, and name and membership number annotated. 2nd Offense: Club member name and membership will be taken and member will be required to attend a BOD meeting and plead their case. Member may be reinstated, or membership revoked. 3rd Offense: Membership to the RICC is revoked, incident annotated in club database. If member wished to rejoin RICC after a one (1) year period, member must be approved by the RICC BOD.
1. Your Current (1 Jan – 31 Dec) membership card must be in your possession at all times while on club property and you must show the card if challenged to do so. Vehicle window decal must be displayed on the windshield below the front rear view mirror, below the tinted area.
2. All Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult who is a member and who has a current membership card.
3. A RICC member may bring a guest(s) to the club. The MEMBER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GUEST(S) and visits are limited to that individual(s), – up to Six (6) guests, – one (1) time per year, – One (1) day Only. Guests are NOT allowed to visit multiple times by the same club member. Also, if a club member requests to have more than Six (6) guests at any one gathering per year, prior approval must be obtained from the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. This rule allows visitors to enjoy our club for one day and then decide to join and support our organization.
4. The club is not liable to club members or their guest(s) for injuries, and/or damages or theft to their personal property while on the Club grounds.
5. There will be NO SWIMMING/WADING IN CLUB LAKES AT ANY TIME. This includes pets.
6. ENTER and EXIT club grounds through DESIGNATED fence and gate openings for person or vehicle access. Cutting or damaging fences is strictly prohibited. If gate requires closing after entering and exiting, (West Lake) it is your responsibility to do so. This ensures safety to our members and their children.
7. ALL pets must be physically restrained AT ALL TIMES while on club property.
8. Trees, shrubs, buildings and wildlife are not to be damaged in any way.
9. Mini-bikes, ATV’s, go-carts, snowmobiles, golf carts etc. are not permitted on club grounds unless authorized by BOARD OF DIRECTORS. This does not include the RICC vehicles.
10. No glass containers are allowed on club grounds.
11. No littering or dumping shall be allowed such as but not limited to: CONCRETE, yard waste, brush, etc. This includes firewood dropped without permission. ALL trash shall be placed in trash containers.
12. The speed limit on grounds shall not exceed 10 MPH. CAUTION When Children are playing in designated areas.
13. No fireworks or sparklers of any kind are allowed on club grounds at any time.
14. Signs will be posted in Camping Center as to any restrictions that should arise. Such as lake closings, fire ban, etc.
15. It is the RICC Club member’s responsibility to notify the membership chair of any address, phone, email changes. Newsletters will not be forwarded.
FISHING and Activities on Club Grounds:
1. A valid Illinois Fishing License is required to fish on club lakes and must be on your possession. Members and guest(s) must abide by ALL Illinois laws. DNR patrols RICC grounds and will issue citations for no license.
2. People fishing on the boat docks and road Tube must give right-of-way to boaters/Kayakers. No parking or camping near boat ramps.
3. No Guns of any type such as but not limited to – Handguns, BB guns, pellet guns, rifles, air guns, crossbows, spears, gigs or ammunition is permitted on club grounds. Any Guns, Shotguns and bow and arrows for a special event must have Board approval.
4. Bank lines, Trout lines, unattended lines, Jugging, netting of any kind to include cast nets are not allowed.
5. No hunting, Bow fishing, shooting or trapping of any kind allowed on club grounds, unless Board approved.
6. Fish Size and Limits are DAILY TOTAL LIMITS and includes ALL Family members under that 1 Membership. You can be asked to show your Creel and Size of caught fish and held responsible IF in violation of Club Rules!
a. Largemouth Bass: minimum size 20” Creel 1 with recommendation for total catch and release
b. Ring Perch: Catch and Release only at this time.
c. Catfish: minimum size 14” Creel 6
d. Crappie: minimum size 9” Creel 10
e. Walleye: Catch and Release only at this time.
f. Blue Gills minimum size 5 “ Creel 15
7. Fishing shall not be permitted during work hours on ANY SCHEDULED WORK DAY (volunteer day)
8. AND on the East Lakes on days of Gun Hunter’s Safety classes AND on any other events as approved by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
9. All members and guests are to show good sportsmanship etiquette to any member on the grounds and on the lakes. Be kind to one another and respect others space. Bulling of any kind towards others will not be tolerated!
1. Club members may use their boats on club lakes and leave their boats on club grounds on the assigned slots with the understanding that the club shall not be held liable for any property left on club grounds. Member must check on their boats on a regular basis (at least once a week especially during flooding seasons).
2. Boats left on the boat assignment slots must be registered with the caretaker via a boat contract form filled out which is located in the camping center. All boats left on the assigned slot areas are to be turned over so they do not fill with water/ice/snow etc. No boats are to be left on the club grounds at any time without being registered with the caretaker. Any boat in violation of rules will be confiscated and put in lockup with a $50.00 fee charged to member. Member must appear before the RICC BOD and plead their case.
3. Members must be alert for rising and flooding waters. Boats may not be left on grassy areas that can be mowed or within 20 feet of boat ramps.
4. All boats left on the grounds shall have the member’s name affixed to their boat with LETTER STICKERS (not marker), at least 2 inches high, on the stern. All boats must have all STATE required stickers affixed to their boat.
5. All Boats to include KAYAKS shall be equipped with all proper safety equipment, follow all (STATE LAWs) and be registered with your home state and have CURRENT state stickers affixed. If your boat cannot be registered with the state, it will not be allowed on club lakes. No sails are allowed.
6. Only electric trolling motors shall be allowed for use on club lakes. Gasoline motors are permitted on boat but shall NOT be operated at any time, unless approved by BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
7. No floating devices such as inner tubes, rafts, stand up paddle boards – SUPs (floats of any kind) allowed on our lakes.
Club members may camp on grounds free for 30 days per year. After this time, requests for additional time must be presented in person to and approved by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS at the monthly meeting.
1. To avoid damage to the grass, campers and tents campsites must be moved at least 25 feet from original campsite every 3 consecutive days for tents and 5 days for trailers.
2. Camping units must not be left unoccupied overnight or more than 9 hours. During storms, tents will be removed from the grounds if you are not camping. If Caretaker finds the site unattended, personnel has the right to gather items and hold on to them to present this situation to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and therefore, you must attend the monthly meeting in person to get them back. No campsites can be left unattended overnight.
3. Generators, radios or any other loud noises are not permitted between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
4. Dump station is available for club member campers only, and you must meet with the caretaker to dump and pay the $10 fee per dump. Dumping or leakage of ANY fluids on club grounds is prohibited.
5. Caretaker will monitor camping periods and report to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS any overstays or violations.
6. Only club members are allowed to use their own camper or tents (2 units per family). Guest(s) are NOT allowed to bring in their own tent or camper. Club members may camp free, but must register at the Camping Center by completing a camp permit upon arrival at the club grounds and have permit displayed on the camper or tent.
7. Campfires must be contained in a fire ring, shall not be left unattended, and must be cleaned up after use. Bottles, cans, garbage, construction materials and any other non-burnable items shall not be put in fire rings. All fires MUST be extinguished prior to leaving RICC grounds. NO campfire ring shall be moved.
8. Club members cannot pull camping units or pitch tents within 50 feet if a pavilion. The pavilions are for picnicking only.
9. Campsites must be 15 feet from the road. Camp fires must be 20 feet from any buildings or tents.
10. Club reserves the right to prohibit fires during dry periods.
11. No camping in any area posted as NO CAMPING BEYOND THIS POINT.
- Any of the above rules may be amended at any time by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS without prior notification to membership.
*A club member who breaks any rule must attend monthly meeting in person and is subject to disciplinary action by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS up to, and including dismissal from the club without reimbursement